GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059


Revised COVID-19 Procedures for Section Meetings

In line with CDC guidelines and the number of club members who have gotten vaccinated against the COVID virus, we are revising the procedures for section meetings being held as hybrid meetings inside the clubhouse. The Section Leader still has responsibility for all members behaving safely and will stop the meeting and send everyone home if the meeting cannot be conducted safely.

We are suggesting that anyone who falls into one of the vulnerable groups wear a mask during indoor meetings, and free masks and gloves are still provided for anyone who wishes to use them. Anyone who has been vaccinated can attend meetings without masks, but we encourage safe procedures in any case. We are eliminating the previous bathroom wipedown procedures. For anyone who needs stricter safety procedures, (say, for an out of town or more vulnerable meeting speaker or guest) please contact the section leader at least a week before the meeting so that notices can be set out, or the meeting can be changed to a video-only format. For the respective upcoming meetings, send email to your choice of the following addresses:

Fossil Section:
Gem Section:
Junior Section is not meeting in person for now.
Micromount Section is not meeting in person for now.
Mineral Section:
Sand Section is not meeting in person for now.

Please do not bring group refreshments yet. Consuming snacks outside is permitted but for now indoor snacking should be restricted. Please limit use of the kitchen. The fridge has been cleaned out so there are no longer snacks on hand.

Section chairs will open and run the physical meeting and set up and monitor the virtual meeting as well. Meeting attendance limits and spacing will be up to the judgement of the section chair. Section chairs do not have to enforce wipedown rules unless an incident requires it. Section chairs do not have to take attendance at meetings, but should be aware of new visitors or members and try to get their names. Section chairs will modify or add rules depending on how each meeting goes.

Junior Section


This section is for the youngest members of the club -- younger than 18. Special field trips and educational opportunities are designed to encourage children to learn more about earth sciences. Click here or above for more information.

Junior section meets at various times and locations as announced.


Fossil Section


Members interested in paleontology comprise the fossil section. Members enjoy fossil-related speakers, programs, show & tell, and various other activities. Click here or above for more information.

Fossil section meets every month at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of the month, at either the GMS building or member homes as announced.


Gem Section


Gem section members learn about lapidary arts, often making use of the workshop at the GMS building, Click here or above for more information.

Gem section meets every month at 7:30 pm on the last Monday of the month, usually at the GMS building.


Micromount Section


Many minerals form almost perfect crystals at the micro level, so micromount section members view specimens with the club microscopes in the micro room at the GMS building. Click here or above for more information.

Micromount section meets at 7:30 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month.


Mineral Section


Mineral section members explore various aspects of mineralogy. Click here or above for more information.

Mineral section meets every month at 7:30 pm on the third Wednesday at the GMS building.


Sand Section


Members interested in sand meet to discuss sand-related topics and to exchange sand with each other. Click here or above for more information.

Sand section meets every month at 7:30 pm on the Wednesday after the General Meeting at the GMS building.


Click below for a map and directions


Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.