GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

Mineral Section

A Special GMS Group
for People Interested in Minerals

Mineral Section Meets
Third Wednesday
Every Month

Minerals are as varied and unique as people. From the mundane to the spectacular, minerals are fascinating in many respects.

GMS members and visitors who are interested in learning more about minerals -- please join us at Mineral Section meetings for special programs and presentations!

If you have any questions about Mineral Section, please send email to


Mineral Section Message

Grey, orange and blue kyanite - Aluminum Silicate - Al2SiO5
Image by Tom Faller

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Social Time: 7:00 pm
Meeting Time: 7:30 pm
Topic: Aluminum
Location: In-person and via Zoom Link on the GMS Calendar here

The February meeting will talk about aluminum, a metal that is common today, but completely rare as a metal by itself only two hundred years ago. It’s one of the most common elements in the crust but why wasn’t it mined, like iron and copper have been for millennia? Why don’t we see veins of aluminum in the rocks, like gold or silver? Why is it so light? We will talk about where aluminum comes from, where it is hiding and why it takes so much work to refine.

The meeting link will be sent out early in the month.

Tom Faller
Mineral Section Chair

Click below for a map and directions


Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.