Gem Section
A Special GMS Group
for People Interested in Gems
Gem Section Meets
Last Monday Every Month
Ah, the jewels of the rockhounding world. Gems come in many different forms, but one thing is usually certain -- someone took something normal and transformed it into something spectacular!
Join us at Gem Section to see rocks when they are all dressed up and even dress up a few yourself!
Interesting Articles and Links
Click here for a list of zoom links from past Gem Section meetings.Click here for a list of links about amber compiled by Sue Gorday.
If you have any questions about Gem Section, please send email to
Gem Section Message
Date: Monday, February 24, 2025Social Time: 7:00 pm
Meeting Time: 7:30 pm
Speaker: Dion Stewart
Topic: Lore and Science of Gemstones
Location: In-person and via Zoom Link on the GMS Calendar here
I hope everyone enjoyed Kim’s Gemstone quiz for our January program. Even with us keeping zoom open, it is better to attend one of Kim’s talks in person, he is not set up to give a zoom type program. You miss a lot just listening over zoom.
This month Dion is going to give us a talk on the Lore and Science of Gemstones. This will include 5 show and tell events to go along with the talk. We will try to show these events over zoom but seeing them in person will be much better. I hope to see everyone in February either in person or online
For those people who show up in person, we will fold, address and stamp the T&T newsletter before the meeting starts.
Jay Gorday and Diana Poppelreuter
Gem Section Co-Chairs
Click below for a map and directions

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.