Benefits of Membership
Field Trips: There is at least one GMS sponsored field trip per month and one DMC field trip. In addition, we are often invited to join other clubs on their field trips.
Workshop: Once you are certified by one of our instructors, you can practice your lapidary skills in the workshop at the GMS bulding!
For Kids: GMS has a group (Junior Section) specifically for children! Several times a year there are special field trips and educational events just for the children in the club.
Special Interests: Special interest groups called sections meet monthly or bi-monthly, so whatever your interests may be, there is a section (or 2) for you -- Micromount, Mineral, Gem, Fossil, and Sand!
Special Events: Throughout the year you can look forward to one of our special events!
GMS Building: The club's permanent home is a perfect place for general membership meetings (7:30, first Monday every month), section meetings, workshops, auctions, parties -- whatever we dream up!
Library: The GMS building has a library full of rock, gem, mineral, and fossil books plus maps too!
Camaraderie: One of the most important benefits of membership is being with people who have the same interests as you do!
Dues (New and Renewal)
$25 for one year membership (individual or family*).
$45 for one year membership that includes an additional $20 for printed, postal mailed copies of the newsletter (total of $45). Note: Physical newsletters can be mailed to U.S. addresses only, no international addresses.
The electronic edition of the newsletter "Tips and Trips" is included FREE with all memberships.
*Family memberships are for people living under the same roof. This includes children of all ages residing with parents; relatives; and extended family. Children younger than 18 years of age are considered junior members.
If you have any questions regarding GMS membership status or have changes in mailing address, telephone number, or email address, please send email to
Membership Forms
On-line Membership Form and Payment

Downloadable Membership Form

Sheila Sund from Salem, United States, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Welcome to our New Members!
Welcome to GMS! We hope to see you soon!
Happy Birthday!!!!
February’s birthstone is amethyst.
Tom Bates
Executive Vice President Membership
[You can see a list of new members and birthdays in the current Tips and Trips -- webmaster]

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.