GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059


George Prince, Librarian


Library Hours: Open during membership and section meetings

Library Policies

The purpose of the Georgia Mineral Society's Library is to inform, educate and inspire GMS members in their search for knowledge. In providing this service to our members, it is equally important to preserve our collection for future members. Because of this, the Executive Board of GMS met and decided on the following policies for the Library:

MATERIAL TO BE CHECKED OUT: All non-restricted material.

RESTRICTED MATERIAL: Books or magazines that are considered brittle, rare, or Reference only may not be checked out. The Librarian will determine the status of all materials and place the restricted items in a separate location.

CHECK OUT TIME: GMS library books or magazines may be checked out for 1 month.

NUMBER OF ITEMS: GMS members may check out up to 3 items at one time.

RENEWALS: Materials may be renewed once unless someone else places a HOLD on it. Then it must be returned by the original due date.

WHO CAN CHECK OUT BOOKS: All GMS members. Non-GMS members must use the materials in-house only.

AGE RESTRICTION: No age restrictions are currently in place. Children under 18 may check out books, but ultimately, their parents are responsible for any damages, loss, or late fees.

LATE FEES: Members will be charged 50 cents a day for overdue items. If the item(s) are returned by the next General Meeting, late fees will be waived.

DAMAGED/LOST: For material that is damaged, lost, or never returned, the person responsible for the item(s) will be charged a $50.00 replacement fee. If the fee is not paid and/or the item(s) not returned, that GMS member will not be able to renew their membership until restitution is made.

WHEN LIBRARIAN IS NOT PRESENT: Material may be checked out by any Section Chair present at the time an item is requested. Section Chairs will be trained in the check-out process.

DONATIONS: Are welcome and appreciated. A "Deed of Gift" will be provided to the donor for tax purposes. The Deed of Gift describes GMS's right to make any decision It sees fit to process the material, including Returning, Destroying, Adding to the Collection, Selling, or Giving Away the items donated. By signing the Deed of Gift, the Donor gives up all rights to the material.

"LIBRARY DAYS" will be announced ahead of time in Tips 'n' Trips. These will be specially designated days when the library will be open to all patrons for a few hours at a time.

"LIBRARY WORK DAYS" will be announced ahead of time in Tips 'n' Trips. These will be specially designated days when the Librarian needs help shelving, rearranging, cataloging, or sorting the collection.

LIBRARY COLLECTION: A list of the GMS Library's Collection will be posted once a year in Tips 'n' Trips.

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
― Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.