GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059


Volunteers Needed!!!


An organization as large and active as GMS is always in need of volunteers. There are many opportunities to help. It can be as simple as just being at an event to give another volunteer a break for a few minutes or as involved as being a member of the executive board. Volunteers have a lot of fun plus they experience the rewards that volunteering provides. Even a little bit of time here and there can help a lot!

If you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering, please send email to the contact person listed or the volunteer coordinator ()

Non-voting Executive Board Member

Position Description Contact
Parliamentarian Sees that all society activities are run according to the by-laws and Robert's Rules of Order. Also conducts the election of officers at the June meeting and installs the new officers at the October Meeting. Certifies that a quorum has been reached at the general meetings and the Executive Board meetings, or arranges for someone to do so. Juergen Poppelreuter

Show Committee Chairs

Position Description Contact
Advertising Posts, submits, and manages all aspects of advertising for the show. Juergen Poppelreuter

Upcoming Events

Event and Date(s) Description Contact
School Events
(Various Locations and Dates)
Do small presentations about geology, rocks, fossils, minerals, etc. at local schools (K thru 12) Bill Waggener


Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.