Field Trip Information
GMS Field Trip Details are Never Published Online
Members receive field trip details in the Tips and Trips newsletter and via email
One of the benefits of membership!
Trip dates are listed on the website for reference and planning
As a stated policy of GMS, we do not give out field trip location information or field trip directions to the general public. Property owners are very gracious in allowing GMS to visit their properties, so we must respect their privacy.GMS promotes ethical field collecting by adhering to the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS) code of ethics. As a member of a mineral society that is associated with the AFMS and the Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies (SFMS), GMS members are bound by this code of ethics and are covered by liability insurance; the general public is not. Therefore, we do not publish directions on the internet. We do, however, list a number of commercial (fee) locations on our website under the Field Trip menu, then Commercial Sites
Every field trip participant must be a member of the Georgia Mineral Society (or an invited club).
In addition to many other benefits, members of GMS receive early notification of all GMS news announcements including current field trips via e-mail. Members also receive our famous newsletter "Tips and Trips" which contains field trip information as well as club news and other interesting articles.
Click below for more information

For more information about field trips, please send email to

Let's dig!!!
Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.