The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. 4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard Norcross, GA 30093-3059 |
Juniors Gem Trees, January 2015
We had a great time at our Georgia Mineral Society Building on January the 24th! Using a non-glue design shared by the Mississippi Gem and Mineral Club plus telephone wire and rock bases donated by GMS members, twelve Juniors made beautiful, bouncy gem trees! Thank you again to the generosity of Far Eastern Trading and BellGali Gems for donating several strings of beads for our nearly twenty gem trees! Eight year old Sienna got so good at it, that she was able to make three! At least four of the Junior member attendees will be sharing their tree-making skills at our May Show. I continue to be so grateful to GMS volunteers Mary Gurney and Charles & Lori Carter for their continued passion and generosity to support the Junior Section of the Georgia Mineral Society. They were incredibly helpful with obtaining the needed supplies, setting up, and sharing their skills with the families.
Chrissy Nell-Dybdahl
Junior Section Chair
Photos by Chrissy Nell-Dybdahl
Photos by Lori Carter
Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.