The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc. 4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard Norcross, GA 30093-3059 |
Fall 2016 Adopt-a-Highway
Photo by Lori Carter
(left to right) Lori, Charles, and Gilligan Carter -- fearless trek science officers on away mission;
Casey Sosebee sporting a new do; Carl and Courtney Ruckert ready to clean up the road;
George "I don't dare look behind me" Sanders; Bill "the Mad Hatter" Waggener; David the Bruce;
George the Prince hiding Diana; Diana the hidden witch and Juergen "Ich brauche kein Kostüm" Poppelreuter
Wes "the racer who wouldn't wear his cool racing jacket because it was awfully hot for October" Mayo
(Not pictured: Mary "the tardy" R.)
Photo by Lori Carter
Diana the good little witch
Photo by Lori Carter
Halloween mascots
Photo by Lori Carter
Juergen getting started in the parking lot
Photos by Lori Carter
Off they go!
Photo by Lori Carter
Adopt-a-Mile crocodile
Photos by Lori Carter
Gilligan was just jazzed to be on the mission
Photo by Lori Carter
Bonjour, Fifi. oui, oui,your bones look delicious today...
Photo by Lori Carter
Door prizes for the hard working volunteers!
Photo by Lori Carter
Some prizes donated by the Memphis club
Photo by Lori Carter
Casey donated staurolite in matrix from the Hackney Farm, a location no longer accessible
Photo by Lori Carter
More pretty prizes!
Photo by Lori Carter
Some specimens from Arizaon
Photo by Lori Carter
Gilligan drooling over (or on) the prizes
Photo by Lori Carter
Choices, choices...
Photo by Lori Carter much fun!
Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.