GMS Adopt-a-Highway Field Trip
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GMS Adopt-a-Highway Field Trip
Almandine Garnets in Georgia
Saturday, October 29, 2016
As always, adopt-a-highway volunteers are rewarded with a field trip after cleaning up a mile of road. This time we went to collect tiny garnets. Everyone got piles of garnets plus plenty for grab bags!
Thank you to Charles Carter for arranging the trip and many, many thanks to the property owner for graciously allowing us to collect!
Lori Carter, on behalf of
Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photo by Lori Carter
Great day to collect tiny garnets
Photo by Lori Carter
Charles and Juergen relaxed while George looked for garnets behind Poppy
Photos by Lori Carter
Mary and Diana got right down to it!
Photos by Lori Carter
So many pretty flowers
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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.