Svanbergite from Graves Mountain,
Lincolnton, GA

by Dr. Henry Barwood, GMS Member
I found some specimens from the 2013 Winter Gathering of pyrophyllite fragments from Graves Mountain, Georgia that Don Reems gave me. They are full of pale yellow to brown svanbergite crystals embedded in the pyrophyllite. My last trip to Graves some years ago I collected some of this in place, but likely that area has been obliterated by people collecting the iridescent Fe mineralization. Somewhere I also have some of the bright green pyrophyllite (gift of John Whatley) that has orange-brown free standing svanbergite crystals in the cavities between the radiating pyrophyllite masses. The pyrophyllite units in the East pit are very rich in svanbergite (EDS analysis). FOV is about .6 X .8 mm. Imaged with a Canon 40D, 23mm Nikon objective and Canon 300mm telephoto lens used in a tube configuration. Stacked using Combine Z.

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