GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

Holiday Party

Every year the December meeting transforms into a Holiday gala! The club provides the main meal and members add their own specialty dishes until a veritable feast awaits! Once our bellies are full (and still filling), the gift exchange begins.

Members and visitors bring in gifts for every interest to exchange with others. As each member eyes the table piled high with colorful gifts, our resident Santa always has a new way to decide who gets to choose a gift next.

The holiday party is always great fun, great food, great gifts, and great camaraderie!

If you have any questions regarding GMS special events, please send email to

Holiday Party Message


December 1, 2025 at 7 PM
GMS Building (In-person only)

GMS will furnish the meat, bread, drinks, condiments, plates, cups and utensils. Please bring your favorite covered side dish, dessert or casserole to share.

After dinner, we will have a gift exchange. Gifts are not required, however, if you want to receive a gift, you must bring a gift. You will be given a ticket in exchange for your gift upon arrival at GMS. Tickets will be randomly drawn after dinner.

Gifts should be hobby related to – rocks, minerals, fossils, lapidary, or sand samples – and should be a gift you would like to receive (usually around $15.00 to $20.00) If you have a gender specific gift, please indicate whether it is for a male or female or a junior on the gift tag.

Jane Stone, Special Events Chair

Some important reminders about the annual
GMS Holiday Party:


  • The party is a covered dish event

  • GMS will provide meats, drinks, plates, and utensils so bring your favorite side, dessert, casserole, etc.

Gift Exchange:

  • Gifts are not required, but you must bring a gift to receive a gift

  • Gifts must be hobby related -- rock, fossil, mineral, gem, lapidary, sand... the kind of a gift you would like to receive

  • Value of gifts should be less than $3,000 (usually around $15 to $20)

Don't Forget:

  • Time is half an hour earlier than regular meetings -- 7:00 pm

  • Relax, Enjoy, and Have Fun!!!

Happy Holidays!

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.