Meetings are 7:30 pm the first Monday of each Month
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059
Visitors and Guests are Welcome!

Date: March 3, 2025
Social Time: 7:00 pm
Meeting Time: 7:30 pm
Location: In-Person at GMS and Virtual via Zoom (link is on the GMS calendar here)
Speaker: Dion Stewart, Professor of Geology at GSU
Topic: "A Dozen of My Favorite Minerals"
Dion is currently teaching geology at Georgia State University - Perimeter College. "I had over 20 years of having taught graduate and undergraduate courses in crystallography and mineralogy before coming to GSU. I did my graduate work at The Pennsylvania State University on the development of high Pressure and high Temperature mineral growth within the mantle of the Earth."
The title says it all, please join us for this interesting and educational program. Dion will be presenting remotely via zoom. Hope to see you all there.
Jane Stone
Vice President of Programs
General meetings are usually on the first Monday of the month. If this date falls on a holiday, the general meeting will be on the SECOND Monday of the month. In September, the annual picnic and auction replaces the general meeting and is held on a Saturday.
Click below for a map and directions

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.