GMS Field Trip September 2024
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Rock Effigies Tour in Georgia
Sunday, September 8, 2024
We all met in the parking lot for the Rock Eagle effigy. The weather and temperature were perfect for a short walk. Jason Leatherwood gave a brief explanation of the history of the site and the excavations that have been done there. Once almost everyone was there, we walked up to the top of the viewing tower where we could all better see the effigy. There more information was given and questions were answered. Some members described being there years ago while in 4-H. We all enjoyed looking and chatting and picture taking and eventually broke for lunch.
We met back up at the parking area for Rock Hawk, and thankfully had just enough parking spaces for everyone. While the temperature had risen, we were in mostly shade, so the walk out to the effigy was comfortable. Everyone enjoyed reading the information plaques on the site and the area that were put up by Georgia Power. There was a discussion about the importance of the sites and the differences in the two. We again climbed to the top of a viewing tower to get a better look and discuss the site. Aaron Leatherwood explained how the black coating on the rocks is oxidized pollution. More questions were raised and answered as we all climbed back down and made our way back to the cars. Some of our members were fascinated with the animal information plaques and the houses put up to show the different homes, especially the bat box that had bats inside chattering.
A good time was had by all.
Trip Lead Jason Leatherwood
Report by Nedra Bonavita
Photos by Nedra Bonavita

Rock Eagle effigy
Photos by Nedra Bonavita

Rock Hawk effigy
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