GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

GMS Field Trip November 2023

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GMS Field Trip
in Georgia
Saturday, November 11, 2023

At first, we were concerned about rain, but we stayed the course and did not cancel or reschedule the trip. That morning we were indeed rained upon. It was the first significant rain there in over a month, but there wasn’t enough to soak the ground, so it wasn’t a muddy mess, and the rain stopped before we started collecting.

The kyanite at this location is different from kyanite from other places. Instead of being blue or even black/gray, the kyanite is more of a silvery blue color, sometimes with a dark blue line running the length of the crystal blade. The shimmery color is caused by the inclusion of graphite. But that’s not the only difference. There is an unusual crystal habit there that is currently being researched by Aaron Leatherwood and his colleagues. Aaron could not attend the trip this time, so other members found and donated specimens for him.

Since the rain hadn’t soaked into the ground, the dirt was pretty dry under a cover of leaves, so digging and screening was the preferred method of the day. Within a couple of hours, members had collected plenty of kyanite crystal blades for themselves and even more for grab bags. There were a few hand-size specimens worthy of taking home too. We had a lot of fun reminiscing about prior field trips there and elsewhere. It was a great day for rockhound camaraderie.

This trip would not be possible without the generosity of the property owner who moved animals around, cut paths for us, and made sure we were safe. We cannot thank her enough for allowing us to visit this wonderful place. Many thanks to everyone who shared their day and kyanite with us, and especially to Jason Leatherwood for arranging this trip as well as Charles for leading the trip.

Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, Field Trip Chair

Can you dig it?

Photos by Lori Carter

Digging and screening was the best way to find kyanite that day


Photos by Lori Carter

First kyanite found for Aaron
Photo by Lori Carter

Another specimen for Aaron
Photo by Lori Carter

One of the hand-size clusters of the day
Photo by Lori Carter

Clod of dirt chock full of kyanite blades
Photo by Lori Carter

Pile o' kyanite for grab bags

Flora and Fauna

Photo by Lori Carter

Fantastic fungus among us
Photo by Lori Carter

A tiny translucent spider who came to visit
Photo by Lori Carter

Who's this?
Photo by Lori Carter

Let's zoom in a little closer to watch her watching us watch her
Photo by Lori Carter

What's this?
Photo by Lori Carter

Now we know why the polar bear dog was eyeballing us! She was guarding these sweet little lambs!

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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.