GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

GMS Field Trip December 2022

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GMS Field Trip
Various Minerals in Georgia
Saturday, December 3, 2022

The day started off with cold clear skies. Everyone met up at 9:30 a.m. to sign in. After everyone got parked, Juergen Poppelreuter greeted them and asked how many had been to this location before. We were surprised to learn that a large percentage of people were digging there for the first time. After an introduction to the site, whom to follow, and a safety briefing, everyone was off to the races.

Aaron Leatherwood led a large group of eager rockhounds and geology students down to the main pit and showed them where to look for rutile and lazulite crystals, while a smaller group headed off to the hematite pit to look for iridescent hematite and pyrophyllite. Once everyone started digging, it wasn’t long before they started pulling out some really nice pieces.

The rain came in around lunch time. Although folks got a little wet, it did not slow them from their mission, and most kept right on digging. Everyone was in great spirits and they weren’t going to let a little rain ruin their fun.

When the dig ended around 4:30 p.m., tired yet excited diggers met back at the parking lot and showed off their treasures. It was great seeing all the new members - new diggers - having a great time and getting the “bug” that so many of us get when we first start pulling out great stuff and ask, “When is the next dig??!?!? I'm ready!!!”

We were particularly happy to see the group of geology students from Georgia State University, who recently became members, show up and enjoy themselves. It's always great to have students join the club.

Jason Leatherwood
Field Trip Lead
Photos by Jason Leatherwood

A great place to dig!
Photo by Jason Leatherwood

Nice little crystal of rutile
Photo by Jason Leatherwood

Gorgeous examples of iridescent hematite
Photo by Jason Leatherwood

One of the best samples of lazulite found that day
Photo by Jason Leatherwood

Perfect quartz crytal!

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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.