GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

GMS Field Trip

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GMS Field Trip
Epidote, Grossular Garnet, Scolecite, Geology
in Georgia
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Geology and mineralogy abound at this quarry, so we were fortunate to get to spend a beautiful Saturday there. When magma rises through the earth’s crust and bits of country rock fall into the magma, rocks that maintain their composition and are not completely dispersed into the magma are called xenoliths. The area of the quarry we visit has large xenoliths of metamorphic rock in the granite. The xenoliths there contain a lot of pistachio green epidote and orangey red grossular garnet. They are also the source of many microminerals. On this trip I saw several specimens of scolecite and at least three unidentified minerals. Joe McKinney found crystals that are clear/white and have a tabular crystal structure. David Bruce broke open a boulder and gave Charles a sample that has epidote, garnet, pyrite, scolecite, and another unidentified mineral that is cubic, clear/white, and has striations with a white overgrowth. While examining that specimen I saw some deep green crystals too, probably diopside. Plus, there is another mineral with dark cylindrical crystals attached to the spray of scolecite crystals! William and Frances Fleck found a plate of quartz points as well as a specimen with large epidote crystals. Small pieces with epidote and garnet were everywhere, so we collected lots of those for juniors.

It was a very productive day at the quarry with many nice micromineral specimens and xenolith filled boulders finding new homes. I even got two samples of sand! Many thanks to the quarry people who welcomed us warmly and kept us safe. Thank you to field trip attendees who helped each other and shared specimens. And thanks to Charles Carter for setting up this great trip!

Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photos by Lori Carter

We were deep in the quarry
Photo by Lori Carter

Jeff Deere "looking for vugs in all the wrong places"
Actually, I think he did quite well
Photo by Lori Carter

The xenoliths were the best places to find microminerals
Photo by Lori Carter

David Bruce and Charles Carter extracting microminerals
Photo by Lori Carter

Granite boulder (light) with metamorphic xenoliths (dark)
Photos by Lori Carter

William and Frances Fleck found large epidote crystals and a plate of quartz crystals
right by where all the cars were parked!
Photo by Lori Carter

Epidote (green) and grossular garnet (orangey red)
The pink specimen fluoresces pink/red under shortwave light
Photo by Lori Carter

Plenty of pretty pieces for juniors!
Photo by Lori Carter

Madalen and Jessica Medovich found some stunning scolecite
Photo by Lori Carter

Joe McKinney found scolecite (thin crystals) with another mineral (wider crystals, upper left)
Photo by Lori Carter

Close-up of the as-yet unidentified tabular crystals Joe McKinney found
Photos by Lori Carter

Unidentified cubic crystal (cm/mm scale)
Photos by Lori Carter

Scolecite spray with another dark, unidentified micromineral

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