GMS Fall Adopt-a-Highway Field Trips
If you have any questions about field trips send email toGMS Adopt-a-Highway Field Trip 1
Tiny Almandine Garnets in Georgia
GMS Adopt-a-Highway Field Trip 2
Garnets in Mica Schist, Staurolite, Kyanite in Georgia
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Adopt-a-highway trash pick-up volunteers are usually rewarded for their hard work with a field trip. This time, volunteers had their choice of two field trips! One was for little garnets, and the other was for garnets in mica schist.
At the garnet location, members collected tiny garnets for grab bags, plus a few for their own collections.
At the mica schist location, members struggled down a steep slope, but were rewarded with even tinier garnets in mica schist, plus, some specimens have tiny staurolite and kyanite crystals!
Many thanks to the property owners for allowing us to visit these wonderful places and many thanks to field trip chair Charles Carter for arranging such a fun trips.
Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photo by Lori Carter
Rose To's haul from the tiny garnet location
Photo by Lori Carter
Looking for garnets in mica schist at the second location
Photo by Lori Carter
What? We have to go back up that slope? So tired...
Photo by Lori Carter
Charles' haul from the mica schist location
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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.