GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

GMS Field Trip

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GMS Field Trip
Colorful Quartzite, Stripey Slate, Jasper,
and Splashy Fun in Georgia
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Once again I was a little under the weather, so Gilligan and I had to miss yet another fun trip. But at least the trip wasn’t under the weather, at least for part of the day. Plus, Gilligan and I were able to rockhound vicariously because Lillie took lots of pictures for me, and Diana and Juergen also sent some pictures! Charles reported that juniors had a splashing good time in the creek while he and Diana polished rocks for everyone on his portable cabbing unit. As always, Casey and Terri made the area comfortable and welcoming with a tent to cool off under, a privy for privacy, and a perfect place to park. Casey had some concentrated sand for practicing panning, and Mike helped teach technique. Refreshing watermelon, cantaloupe, tangerines, cherries, chips, water, and juice donated by Trader Joe’s grocery store helped round out the picnic atmosphere. The rain held off long enough for everyone to have lots of fun and arrived just as the group was ready to call it a day anyway.

Some people found colorful quartzite with clear layers intertwining with yellow or red layers. Bill Waggener described the distinctive specimens as a sort of “flow quartz.” Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed when sandstone is subjected to heat and pressure. Maybe here, the quartzite was squeezed so hard that the quartz “flowed” a bit, producing the characteristic layers. The color is probably from iron. The clear and the colors flowing together result in a lovely rock that polishes nicely.

Many thanks to all of the volunteers who made this trip special as well as the property owners who graciously allowed us to visit their beautiful mountain stream. And, of course, thanks to Charles Carter for arranging the trip including all the work to get the Trader Joe’s treats plus all the work involved in hauling and setting up his cabbing unit as well as polishing rocks on it!

Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photo by Lillie Phillips

Field trip fun for all ages!
Photo by Lillie Phillips

Mike and Casey doing a little panning
Photos by Lillie Phillips

Charles and Diana polished rocks for everyone on the spot!
Photos by Lillie Phillips

Charles and Diana on the cabbing unit
Photos by Lillie Phillips

Finished cab, both sides
Photo by Lillie Phillips

The cab from above wirewrapped into a pendant, straight from the creek to jewelry!
Photo by Lillie Phillips

A quick face polish shows the potential of the rock
Photos by Diana Poppelreuter

Beautiful flow quartz!

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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.