GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

GMS Adopt-a-Highway Field Trip

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GMS Field Trip
Mica Schist with Garnets, Staurolite, and Kyanite in Georgia
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Adopt-a-highway trash pick-up volunteers were rewarded for their hard work with a field trip to a new collecting site. Members visited a private location where we collected mica schist loaded with almandine garnets, staurolite, and kyanite.

The garnets are small but well-shaped. Many have visible faces and are mildly weathered but not decomposing. The staurolite crystals are also very small, but sharp and shiny. The kyanite is small too and mostly white, though I saw some with faint blue color.

Everyone easily got plenty of specimens. Diana Poppelreuter even collected extras to give to members who were not able to navigate the steep terrain!

Many thanks to the property owners for allowing us to visit this incredible location and many thanks to field trip chair Charles Carter for arranging this excellent trip.

Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photo by Lori Carter

The location is a bit steep, but Charles, Mary, and Ivy had no problem finding specimens.
Photo by Lori Carter

Micky McClain helped prep the site before we collected there.
Diana Poppelreuter got down to business.
Photo by Lori Carter

Diana identified this lovely trillium, possibly an endangered species
Photo by Lori Carter

Lizabeth McClain found this quartz with kyanite
Photo by Lori Carter

Diana shared her specimens with Margaret Ronan who could not navigate the steep slope to collect
Photo by Lori Carter

Example of the mica schist
Photo by Lori Carter

Small sample -- note the tiny garnets towards the center and the staurolites upper right
Photo by Lori Carter

Another good example of the schist
Photo by Lori Carter

This sample has a staurolite "x" (see close-up)

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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.