GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

DMC Field Trip
GMS is the founding member of the
DMC field trip program of the SFMS

If you have any questions about field trips send email to

A mountain of gravel!

DMC Field Trip
Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society
Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society (MAGS) hosted the October DMC field trip. They arranged 2 trips to collect gravel in Mississippi.

At the first gravel pit, field trip attendees collected on a gigantic pile of oversize gravel i.e. gravel that is too large for many gravel applications. Because this was the first trip to that location, there were agates, and corals, and oolitic specimens everywhere. The gravel pit company grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone and MAGS members provided drinks and snacks.

After lunch, we went to a second gravel pit. It was an older pit, so gravel was more spread out. Diana Poppelreuter found a big piece of petrified wood there!

Many thanks to the gravel pit company and MAGS members for hosting a successful DMC trip!

Lori Carter
On behalf of Charles Carter, GMS Field Trip Chair
Photo by Lori Carter

So much gravel!
Photo by Lori Carter

Collecting was easy, just look and pick up
Photo by Lori Carter

Rockhound ants
Photo by Lori Carter

MAGS members and the gravel pit company provided lunch!
Photo by Lori Carter

Photo by Lori Carter

What a fun day!

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Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.