GMS     The Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.
4138 Steve Reynolds Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093-3059

Virtual Education

Virtual Educational Resources

When we can't be in the field, we can still learn from home. Click the links below to visit virtual museums and enjoy some virtual field trips. If you find any other virtual resources of interest, please send email to webmaster at

For Kids (and the young at heart)

Diamond Dan's Mini Miners Monthly Special Edition
Diamond Dan's Mineral Names Dictionary
Paleontology: The Big Dig, American Museum of Natural History
Earth: Our World in Motion, American Museum of Natural History
NASA Earth Observatory: EO Kids
BLM Junior Explorer Geology and Fossils Activity Book
Tellus Science Museum At-Home Science Activities


Smithsonian Natural History Museum
Virtual Museum of Geology
Jackson School Museum of Earth History, University of Texas at Austin
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Cochise College, Arizona
University of Wyoming Geology Museums
Dallas Mineral Collecting Symposium
Rock & Gem Magazine Articles
Tellus Science Museum Lecture Videos
Tellus Science Museum Facebook Page with Science Activity Videos and More


The Virtual Fossil Museum
Idaho Museum of Natural History
International Fossil Shell Museum
petrified Wood Museum

Virtual Field Trips

Arizona State University Virtual Field Trips
Science Friday 360 Degree Expedition
Carlsbad Caverns
Some geological virtual field trips, Bruce Railsback, Dept of Geology, UGA
Discovery Education, Dig Into Mining, The Story of Copper
Geology of Washington, DC, Northern Virginia Community College
Electronic Field Trip Through Geologic Time, KET Education

Copyright © Georgia Mineral Society, Inc.

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